Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Day 2 - March 8

The Joy of Mercy Online Lenten Retreat
Day 2 – March 8
Today’s Theme: “Know That You Are Loved”

Today’s Scripture
Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful. -- Luke 6:36

Fr. Kempf’s Reflection
   Once I was visiting a friend of mine while his two children played in the other room. We overheard the older of the two, in an attempt to get her younger brother to behave, say to him, “If you don’t stop that, Daddy isn’t going to love you anymore.” My friend knew it was one of “those moments,” so he went into the room (while I peeked through the crack between the wall and the door). He put one child on each leg and said to them, “It is very important to me that you understand this: Your daddy loves you always. When you behave well, I love you with a happy heart. When you misbehave, I love you with a sad heart. But I will always love you.”
   Those children are fortunate to have such a father. They will be able, perhaps more than many, to understand the incredible mercy of God and that they are more than their sin.

   We are so much more than our sin. Yes, we are each a mix of saint and sinner and are in trouble if we deny either part of that. Perhaps we sometimes don’t see the reality and the consequences of our sin and its harm on the world. There is also, however, a temptation for many to over-identify with our sin. Maybe there are those who never let us live down our past mistakes, as if that were mostly who we are.
   No. You are so much more than your sin. Whether or not you heard this growing up, God would say to you, “Deep down you are good, you are wanted, you are loved for yourself as you are. In my heart, you are safe. You are more than your sin.”
(Excerpted from Mercy--A Message for Children)

When and how do I fail to see the consequences of my sin?
When and how do I fail to realize that I am more than my sin?

Today’s Prayer
Merciful God, sometimes it is hard for me to trust that you love me just like I am. But—even with all my faults—you deeply love me. You do.

Published by special arrangement with Creative Communications for the Parish.
Used with Permission.  All Rights Reserved. 

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