Saturday, March 12, 2016

Day 6 - March 12

The Joy of Mercy Online Lenten Retreat
Day 6 – March 12
Today’s Theme: “To Whom Do You Listen?”

Today’s Scripture
Let anyone with ears listen! -- Matthew 11:15

Fr. Kempf’s Reflection
   Years ago, I was hiking with some friends in the mountains. On a narrow path on the side of a mountain we were suddenly face-to-face with a black bear. We called to Tom, who was in front, to back up. But Tom didn’t move. The black bear raised itself up on its back legs and then let its front legs drop back to the ground in an effort to back us up, but Tom still stood there. Tom’s wife called out to him, “Tommie, don’t be stupid.” When he heard that, Tom came back to where we were, which freed up enough space for the bear to find a way off the path down the mountain. Tom listened to his wife.
   Do you let anyone challenge you? To whom do you give authority? We all need a willingness to let someone outside ourselves speak a difficult word that we might need to hear. It is easy to find people who will say what we want to hear, but are we willing to hear the difficult word that challenges us?
   God often speaks through those we don’t expect: sometimes the imperfect and ordinary people right around us. Who causes you to grow?
   Ultimately, Tom listened to his wife. To whom will YOU listen?
(Excerpted from Two Minutes Toward Meaningful Living)

Who are the people who generally agree with me? 
Who are the people who do (or might) challenge me when I gave them the chance?

Today’s Prayer
Merciful God, I need YOUR wisdom. Speak, O Lord, and help me listen.

Published by special arrangement with Creative Communications for the Parish.
Used with Permission.  All Rights Reserved. 

1 comment:

  1. I think this has been an excellent Lenten online retreat. All daily readings give me wonderful things to think about and to be able to move through daily trials.
