Sunday, March 6, 2016


The Joy of Mercy—Forgiving and Forgiven


Welcome to our online Lenten Retreat for 2016.  This daily retreat is designed to give you an opportunity for prayer and reflection during this Lenten season.

You may use the retreat at any time and in any environment that is convenient and conducive to your personal prayer and reflection.  You may also use the retreat in a family or faith-sharing environment.  Don’t worry if you miss a day; you do not have to complete the retreat on the appointed days.

Here are some suggestions which you might find helpful:

1. Choose a time and location for your daily retreat.
2. Take a few moments to relax and quiet yourself before you begin the retreat.  If necessary, make a list of the things you need to do or think about after you have finished your prayer and reflection—this will help insure that these things don’t distract you during your retreat time.  Notice the theme for the day’s reflection.
3. Read the daily Scripture.  Read it a second time if you wish.  Consider what words, phrases or ideas stand out for you.  In what way might you “connect” to this scripture reading?
4. Read Fr. Kempf’s reflection.  Think about the ways in which you can identify with what he has written.  Are there ways in which your experience is similar or different?  The questions following the reflection may help you think more about the reading. 
5. If time permits, spend a few minutes pondering the reflection and its connection to your own life.  How would you summarize the point of today’s reflection?  How does it apply to your own life?
6. Pray today’s prayer.  Pray it a second time if you wish.  Try to identify a word or phrase you want to remember and repeat throughout the day.

Remember to share your thoughts or insights with other people participating in this retreat.

We wish you a blessed and fruitful retreat experience.

The material in this year’s online retreat is excerpted from The Joy of Mercy—Forgiving and Forgiven,  published by Creative Communications for the Parish.  This material is copyrighted and all rights are reserved.  Published by special arrangement with Creative Communications for the Parish.  

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